Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Introduction to University Colloquium

I've heard some horror stories about University Colloquium, and I'm not sure I understand where they come from.  I think a lot of people don't like writing-intensive classes, but I'm personally excited about this course.  As a software engineering and math major, I don't get outside much on my own, so a class with field trips is a welcome change of pace!

Sustainability, to me, is a measure of a thing's ability to carry into the future. Sometimes the thing can be an idea, or a physical place, or a system. Sustainability in software is designing for the future, and ensuring that anyone who follows you can not only understand your work but continue to build off of it.  Technology is fast-paced, and sustainability is as necessary as efficiency to an engineering project.  The last thing anyone wants is a bridge that's not built to last.

As far as unsustainable attitudes, I think my biggest issue stems from living in Cape Coral.  I complain about it a LOT.  I want to be able to ride my bike to work and class and down to the store, but here it's almost impossible to do, or at least do safely.  I usually end up either driving or staying inside playing video games,  both of which are pretty unsustainable behaviors.  As great as it would be, I don't see myself ever becoming a professional gamer.  I also like new things, which I don't think is wrong.  That said... making new things means breaking down things we already have, and usually results in killing trees or animals, or stripping the land to mine or grow crops, or polluting the atmosphere and in turn all sorts of sensitive systems on Earth.  Actually, most production is a conglomerated evil glob of several of those things.

Unfortunately, I'm not apologizing. But the first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

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